Clifton, NJ SEO Services

Get Your Site Ranked!

We help business in Clifton, NJ with professional SEO services. Generating visibility and business from your website is our number one priority. Part of what makes us a top-rated internet marketing agency is our in house expertise! We don't charge for a consultation. Give us call today!

SEO is the top way of reaching your target market and promoting your services and products online. When potential customers are searching for something your company provides we help your website to appear on the first page of Google. A lot of strategy, effort and time go into appearing on the search results page, but you do not have to pay the search engines to appear there.

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How to develop successful SEO campgains

What is SEO?

SEO is the practice of increasing the visibility of your website to appear in the search engines organic listings by using well planned strategies and tactics. There are differences in winning SEO strategies but there are some shared core components. Some of the staples of a good campaign are on-page and off page optimization, unique and compelling content, and technical site optimization.

Drive Traffic has in-house experts that cover all of the essential SEO disciplines. This is how we deliver outstanding results that our clients love. Because we keep everything in house you can rest assured your company information is safe. In addition we are able to ensure you receive nothing but the best marketing campaigns from start to finish.

Do it yourself SEO

Can I SEO my website myself?

Anyone can learn the science of SEO. It is a mastery of various strategies and methods that must be implemented properly and requires a network of tools to be done correctly. Knowing what needs to be done, how it should be done and when it should be done is the key to building a successful SEO campaign. By making the wrong move at the wrong time you can take a top site from page one the search engines and have it de-indexed. Experience is a must when making changes on a live site. The major search engines are always updating guidelines and rolling out updates, sometimes just keeping up with the changes is a full-time challenge!

How do you approach a new SEO project?

Education - It is critical that we take the time to learn what your business objectives are before we start to formulate and execute a plan. Understanding the paths that are taken from search to conversion is an essential next step in the journey.

Assess - We look a the whole picture. We look at assets are currently in place with your current digital marketing plan and what results are being generated by them. We need to understand what elements may be currently working and what ones should be integrated. This helps us improve and develop a winning strategy.

Action Plan - We design a customized roadmap that takes you from where you are currently, and allows your site to achieve goals that are aligned with your business needs. Different strategies and tactics will be considered and prioritized to create a comprehensive plan.

Plan Execution - Putting in place each element of our strategic SEO plan.

Measure - We look at the effect of each element and analyze the effect in the overall strategy. We continuously evaluate and refine the strategy to meet your objectives.

SEO Services We Offer

Keyword and Competitor Research

Our goal is to maximize your audience by selecting only the most effective and relevant search queries. To accomplish this we use industry leading tools in our daily strategic keyword research. Competitor analysis is important. By conducting research we gain valuable insight into tactics, then we leverage them for your success. All SEO projects are rooted in strong keyword research. We then use this information to develop and structure your site and content.

Technical SEO

An important and often overlooked piece of the puzzle is what we call 'Technical SEO'. It is vital work that must be executed on your website to enhance the content that is produced. This includes such items as secure domains (https://), website speed and load times and page layout and URL structure. SEO requires an expert web developer. If your agency doesn't have one on staff or tells you otherwise, it's time to find a new agency. Technical SEO requires web development experience and knowledge of web server configuration.

Content Creation

In order to achieve increased visibility you must produce targeted and compelling content that is unique. Major search engines will rewards those efforts and connect you with your idea audience. Writing content for a web page requires specialized tools for analysis and experience in best practices. We have in-house staff that create unique content or can review and edit content created by our clients.

Link Building

Google looks at who is linking to your website. Links can be a great signal regarding the importance of your site. Not all links are equal, if you have spam or junk you will see negative results. If high quality sites with relevant content are linking back to you, you will be rewarded.

Clifton, NJ SEO Consulting

Sometimes a blueprint is what you need to get going. We offer comprehensive site audit and reviews coupled with advice that is actionable as part of SEO consulting services.

SEO is an excellent long term investment for any digital marketing strategy. Sometimes while ramping up a good SEO campaign companies need immediate results. We offer pay-per-click services and we are a certified Google Partner.

Expert help by serious SEO EXPERTS is only a phone call way. Don’t wait, get in touch with us now to start getting more traffic to your website!